Do you worry if your teen is okay?

Do you worry if your teen is okay?


They spend too much time in their room.

Their effort in school has gone down.

They’re addicted to their devices.

They’re smoking, not eating, or having sex.


You want to know that they’re acting like a normal teen.

But you worry something is wrong.


You wonder,

Is everything okay?

Are they depressed?

Am I missing something?


Your friends tell you how well their kids are doing.

They seem to know what’s happening in school.

And you wish, Why can’t that be me?


You torture yourself thinking,

Should I ask them to tell me what’s happening?

Am I going to push them away?

Should I give them space?

What if I make it worse?


Listen. If you’re worried about your teen, you are not alone.


When you are ready to stop spiraling, I can help you.

  • I’ll help you make a plan to get your teen to talk to you (because it’s not knowing that’s causing your doomsday thinking.)


  • I’ll show you how to set and maintain boundaries that feel good to you and your teen.


  • I’ll teach you how to guide them into making healthy decisions (because forcing them to obey you doesn’t work.)


  • I’ll help you stay calm and grounded when fear and worry kick in.

In coaching, we don’t just work on effective parenting strategies. We also work on helping you feel better.


Worrying 24/7 is no way to live.


Plus, it freaks your kid out, so they pull away from you.


Let’s get you out of the river of misery today.


Book a consultation call to learn how parent coaching works.


❤️ Jeanine

Jeanine Mouchawar

Hi! I’m Jeanine Mouchawar, a Parenting Coach. I want YOU to have a better relationship with your teen, today. Come learn all the parenting strategies you were never taught in school and have the relationship you always imagined.

Doing nothing is doing something.


You deserve to feel successful at work and as a parent