Are you waiting for a miracle?

Are you waiting for things with your kid to fix itself miraculously? 


If so, I’ve got some bad news.


It won’t.


When you want things to change, you have to do something DIFFERENT.


Not hope, pray, or wish.


Instead, take some action.


Learn new parenting approaches.


Try new strategies.


Talk to your kids in a different way.


When I felt my son pull away, I noticed that I doubled down on what I was saying and doing that wasn’t working in the first place.


That made no sense!


So, after I beat myself up and ached for a deeper connection, I realized that if I changed my approach, our relationship would also change.


And so would his behavior.


If you’re wondering how to do that,


Call me.


Talk to me about what’s going on in your home.


The good, the bad, and the ugly.


The thought of this might turn your stomach.


But what I can tell you with 100% certainty is that you’ll feel a whole hell of a lot better after you talk to me.


Because I’m a fantastic listener.


I’ve been in your shoes, so compassion is oozing out of me.


And I can see what you can’t see.


You can have fewer power struggles and a deeper connection today.


Book a call to learn more.


❤️ Jeanine

Jeanine Mouchawar

Hi! I’m Jeanine Mouchawar, a Parenting Coach. I want YOU to have a better relationship with your teen, today. Come learn all the parenting strategies you were never taught in school and have the relationship you always imagined.

Are your nerves fried?


You can feel better tomorrow